Deadline for current applications is Thursday 15th June 2023
How To Apply For A Grant
The Trustees of the Fi Radford Memorial Fund are encouraging applications from young people aged 11-24. Grants for up to £250 are available. We are looking to finance ideas that will encourage and support young people develop confidence and creativity in environmental campaigning.
In particular, the fund aims to support specifically young people from diverse ethnic populations and/or whose financial and social backgrounds may restrict their potential to participate in understanding the concerns surrounding climate change and initiating change to tackle the problem.

Application for grants
Fi Radford left a bequest that she wished to have spent on climate action causes she had supported. She believed in encouraging young people’s understanding of the environment and awareness of environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, deforestation and endangered flora and fauna. The FRMF has been established to support young people who are involved in, or wish to become involved in, climate causes. Small grants up to a maximum of £250 are available.
Applications will be considered based on the criteria listed below:
That the grant will be used support the applicant's participation in education or campaigning in the area of climate change and the environment;
Applicants should normally be aged between 11 & 24;
Applications from young Black, Indigenous & People of Colour (BIPOC) specifically welcomed;
If under 17, a parent/carer/teacher’s written support for application is required.
Please download the application form using the link below and return by Thursday 15th June 2023 to: or post a hard copy to The Fi Radford Memorial Trust c/o 49 Dongola Road, Bishopston, Bristol. BS7 9HW.